In 2023, your new board members are working to update the SELCA website. The website experienced some technical glitches that have been corrected, please check back often for current information. Please be patient as the changes will take time.
Board members are working hard behind the scenes to bring you the latest in breastfeeding knowledge for your CERP benefits. We are also working to take SELCA meetings on the road and will be visiting areas all over Georgia.
Want SELCA to come to a city near you? Email us at with your request.
In valuing equity, SELCA is committing resources to advancing access to the profession of IBCLC. Membership and educational scholarships are being developed, available to people of color and those who are part of an underserved population. Student discounts are also available. As a benefit of membership, SELCA has created a library of resources to support studying for the IBCLC exam, and is creating a mentor list to improve access to pathway 3 to become an IBCLC.
Want to become an IBCLC? Sign up to be paired with a mentor here. Want to mentor aspiring IBCLCs through pathway three mentorship? Sign up here.
Board members are taking advantage of education and training in diversity and equity training to share with membership, and commit to ongoing efforts in the field of equity work. We are partnering with leaders in the field, and organizations who champion underserved communities to support their important work.
Other efforts include the development of a membership directory to enhance networking, and expanding the locations of SELCA meetings to reach a wider population.
What do you want us to work on? Let us know at!