Membership Matters!

We are so excited to have so many new people join SELCA as part of the recent conference . . . as your local chapter of the United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA) and local affiliate of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), your membership is extremely important to impact the lactation profession where you live.

As SELCA members, we are all urged to join at the national level as well.   Check out the links below for the reasons you should join and the benefits of membership.   As a SELCA member, you will receive a discount to join USLCA- be sure to have the code before you join.  Although we do not offer a joint membership with ILCA, we will help you partner with other members to get the group discount . . . let us know if you would like help in connecting with a group, or if you are willing to be a group leader at

ILCA Lactation Matters

Connecting to ILCA Membership: Lactation Matters

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